I’ll continue with the shortened commentary moving forward, as the headlines are speaking for themselves now.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The headlines for Trump continue to be overwhelming negative; even headlines that Google has chosen from Fox News focuses on amplifying propaganda that the DNC is projecting onto Trump Tower. For a moment I thought that Axios had a rare objective moment, but their assertion that “Trump has turned over a new leaf” is meant ironically, of course. Other outlets continue to focus on minutiae such as what the candidates are calling each other or where polls went today (since Americans are getting no access to actual news, the polls just reflect how effective the mainstream media is at brainwashing the populace, and how effecting the Trump campaign is at countering them).

We’re closing in on two months before Election Day, and there are still no substantive articles about policy positions such as how either candidate will combat inflation, create new jobs, end the war in Ukraine, stand up to China, bring peace to the Middle East. Trump mentions these issues in every rally, but we’re still talking about Trump yelling at a Georgia governor or Harris and Trump calling each other names.

From time to time you’ll see a surprisingly objective take from a place like CNN or The New York Times, but again, as the Editor of this page, the Google Algorithm never gives those stories more than a few minutes of air time.

Monday, August 19, 2024

X was abuzz with one of the first off-the-cuff interviews about policy that Kamala gave after becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee. It was by most accounts a disaster (it’s the one where she kept using the words “return on investment”). Zero coverage of this awkward moment.

In the meantime, the mainstream media and progressive-life media featured on Google News (remember that conservative media is still suppressed) continue to cherry-pick stories that have nothing to do with policy. A “desperate” Trump is supposedly trying to beg for Taylor Swift’s endorsement. J.D. Vance is “melting down over Harris’s poll surge”. And of course, MSNBC continues to break out the “Trump is a dictator who wants to end elections” trope based on a few sarcastic words twisted out of context.

In the meantime, the media continues to circle the wagons around Harris. They report on the raucous applause and enthusiastic standing ovations she gets (conveniently never mentioning that Trump gets these on a daily basis).

And still…no reporting on actual policies.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

As the DNC enters its second day, conservatives on X are talking about how the DNC is providing free abortions and vasectomies in Chicago, as well as speculation on Harris’s tax plan which may include, believe it or not, increases in corporate taxes and taxes in unrealized gains. In the meantime, none of this is making its way to the mainstream press, who is working overtime to maximize the “convention bump” by publishing pull pieces on Harris (“the personal side of ‘Momala'”) and amplifying attacks on Trump by DNC speakers like Michele Obama and Stephanie Grisham. The AP is still, rather bizarrely, pushing the idea that Trump is desperate for Taylor Swift’s endorsement. And of course, the media continues to breathlessly announce poll results like a horse race, cherry-picking polls that look good for Harris.

Wednesday August 22, 2024

Trump had an interview with Theo Von (7 million followers on Instagram, 6.7 million on TikTok), adding to an impressive list of long-form podcasts he’s appeared on, including Elon Musk, Adin Ross, Logan Paul, and The All In Pod.

But reminiscent of Jefferson Smith in the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, very few people seem to be finding these podcasts. While Harris does nothing and gets talked about glowingly on TV, magazines, newspapers, Web sites, and NGO-driven astroturfing social media, the only way for Trump to get his message out is in rallies that no one covers (except to pick out a few words to take out of context), some talk radio, and podcasts.

For Harris to win, she needs to follow the same strategy as Biden did in 2020. Keep your mouth shut and let Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and Silicon Valley create you.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tonight was the last night of the DNC Convention. What I find bizarre is that the gaslighting is so complete, that no one on the left NOR the right seems to even remember the sequence of events of how she got here: 1) Biden was nominated, 2) Biden and Trump agreed to an early debate in June 2024, 3) Biden did horrible, 4) Biden got COVID, 5) Harris stepped in as the new nominee.

No, Harris got the confetti just like Biden in 2020, Clinton in 2016, Obama in 2012, and so on. Nothing to see here. Move on.

The coverage for the DNC is predictable. Outlets like the New York Times and CNN don’t need to embellish their headlines, as simply receiving the nomination makes Harris “look presidential”. But of course the rest of the media is running to personalize her with glowing profiles of her family. In the meantime, the Trump side takes a few playful things that Trump posted on Truth Social and characterizes them as “venomous” and “irritated”. The New York Times manages to dig up a story from 1989 to further tarnish Trump, and Politico marvels at Harris’s skill at supposedly outwitting Trump.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Donald J. Trump just did something amazing. On the day after the last night of the Democratic National Convention, as the mainstream media was creating the latest puff pieces for Kamala Harris, they revealed that RFK would effectively be dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump.

Notice what that did to the mainstream media coverage; CNN, The New York Times, and Fox News all had to cover this story. Of course, The New Republic is still obsessing over some bizarre story that Trump is going to be sued by Taylor Swift for a sh*tpost he made days ago, MSNBC is staying the course in reporting on a supposed “media meltdown” of Trump during the DNC, and The Atlantic managed to take a thoughtful, fatherly interview that Trump had with Theo Von and turn it into something…”weird”.

On the other side, there’s only continued puff pieces about Harris. Axios is running interference for one of the more crazy ideas she’s had–taxing unrealized capital gains. AP and NPR are working on crafting the story about how she is magically reconciling the Jewish people in the Democratic Party with the pro-Palestinians who want them dead. The New York Times’ lead story—believe it or not—focuses on the outfit she was wearing at the DNC, while Politico spends an entire piece waxing eloquently about one word: “movement”. Yes, a few weeks ago Kamala Harris was a bumbling failure who couldn’t get 2% of her party’s primary vote. Now, she is leading…a “movement”

Of course, Kamala Harris is no longer Kamala Harris. She’s a creation of the New York Times, CNN, Politico, Axios, Slate, AP, and NPR. It’s how Barack Hussein Obama reached near-deity status in the Democratic Party, and how Alexandian Ocasio-Cortez went from being a bartender to one of the most influential members of Congress.

RFK and Trump are populists with the popular support. Harris has the full weight and force of the Deep State and the Mainstream Media on her side. And both of these forces know that if Trump gets elected and allows RFK to serve in his Administration, their days are over.

This is war.

Saturday August 24, 2024

24 hours after one of the biggest political alliances in American history since Hamilton and Jefferson, here’s what you see when you search Google News for “Harris” and “Trump”.


One piece by ABC News that yawns and says that the alliance may “only slightly favor” Trump.

In the meantime this was all the talk on X. MAGA Republicans and RFK Jr. Supporters were connecting with each other and being remarkably supportive of each other. Whether this alliance will last will depend on whether both sides can remain focused on their common goals and not be torn apart by trolls paid by governments and NGOs to drive rifts between them. Which will be happening.

In the meantime, the mainstream media is sticking to the script. Continue to talk about the DNC (“Democratic convention energy…Harris hot streak”) and how Kamala inspires us all. “Run, Kamala, Run”. And of course, that vomit-inducing piece by Politico is still there. “Movement…the one word…is Movement”.

On the Trump side, they’ve doubled down on the attacks. Trump is “turning pea green with envy”. He’s trying desperately to “counter Harris’s rise”. He’s “funding campaign donations into his businesses”. Interestingly, Fox News—the usual token conservative-leaning site—is nowhere to be seen on this particular day.